25 October 2012

The Little Things

Smile, Smile, Smile Smile:)
{Pinterest - Original Source Unknown}

-Having two of my closest friends come to visit me for a few days. Those few days were lovely! 

-Listening to (and loving) The Killer's latest album

-Warm hot chocolates in bed after a long day at work

-A little DVD splurge in Tesco due to all the bargain prices! Oh I do love a bargain

-Period dramas! Getting tucked up in to my warm bed, hot chocolate in hand and watching Pride and Prejudice. Nice and cosy :)

-Spending yesterday afternoon with the boyfriend and enjoying some delicious Mexican food together. Yummy

-Hearing good news. It's always heart warming when someone close to you has some lovely news and seeing their ridiculously happy faces :) 

-My mums dog has had a little hair cut, she looks so cute! Her hair can get quite long and it can become a struggle to see her eyes! She's all teddy bear looking now... awwhh

-Knowing I have this weekend off work (this can be rare!). I'm looking forward to spending some time relaxing and with a few of the loved ones


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