7 October 2012

The Little Things

Some of the little things that have made me happy/smile over the last week or so;

-Hot bubble baths after a long day at work 

-Discovering old favourite's - I dug out my first iPod the other day. It's been hidden away for a good couple of years. It bought back memories listening to songs I'd completely forgotten about, but loved! It's been really nice listening back to it all

-I haven't been loving all of this rain. But I must admit I've loved drifting off to sleep with the sound of the rain on my bedroom window - so relaxing. And rainy Sundays which are the perfect excuse for a day of pyjamas, films and hot drinks

-Making and eating my delicious homemade banana cake

-Burning my Yankee tarts - Bahama Breeze is a current favourite

-Making the time to grab some food and watch a film with my boyfriend a few days ago 

-Planning to have a few friends come and visit for a few days in a couple of weeks time. Sometimes it's hard to find the time to have a good catch up with close friends, and unfortunately a lot of my close friends live a couple of hours away. So it's always lovely to see them. It's definitely long overdue

-My gorgeous cat's sleeping positions, sometimes they are very strange, other times they are unbelievably cute! Charlie never fails to make me smile! 


  1. Your cat is soooo cute! My cat snuggles up like that and I can never resist taking photos!

    Laura x

    1. Awhh thank you. I'm always taking pictures of him, he's a cutie :) x


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